


How many members are in The Real Zebos?

Five. There’s five of us. How did you not pick up on this from browsing the site.

Can I join The Real Zebos?

This isn’t Brockhampton, bro.

I’ve got one of The Real Zebos’ songs stuck in my head. What can I do to remedy this problem?

Tilt your head to the side and shake it out.

Wait w-, what? Huh? WHAHTUUHHHHH/?????

Start with some deep breaths in through the nose, and out through the mouth. There you go.

Who is the handsome one with the long hair?

That’s George. He is single and ready to give his heart to one lucky lady who deserves it the most.

How do you write your songs?

Sometimes it’s just a feeling. Sometimes it comes to us in a dream. Sometimes we steal other people’s ideas and make them our own.